Free the Body Workshops at Coachella Valley Art Center
Free the Body artists and community partners hosted two workshops at the Coachella Valley Art Center in September 2022. The first...
International Day of Peace event with S.C.R.A.P. Gallery
On Wednesday, September 21st, while attending the S.C.R.A.P. Gallery’s International Day of Peace event at the Senior Center in Cathedral...
We're Published!
We are so exited to announce that our 2020 Stages of Tectonic Blackness dance film and article has been published in the peer-reviewed...
Stages of Tectonic Blackness
September 13, 2020 // 8:00AM- 8:00PM MST Tiwa Territory, Sandia Foothills, Albuquerque, NM details forthcoming DONATE to support this...