
stages of tectonic blackness featured in Getty's PST ART:Art & Science Collide
Stages of tectonic blackness is part of the Armory Center for the Arts contribution to Getty's PST ART: Art & Science Collide initiative...

Grounding: Rehearsal Log - Freedom Song and Dance
In our second rehearsal in August for Grounding , we kicked it off with a warm up and media shoot to collect images and videos for...

Grounding: Rehearsal Log ~ First Steps
Introducing our newest GROUND SERIES project grounding . This project asks, ‘How can dance illuminate sites and monuments representing...

Free the Body Programs - Autumn 2023
The GROUND SERIES Free the Body project continued engaging community through programs during Autumn 2023. We deepened our partnership...

Free the Body Programming - looking back, looking forward
The decision to undertake the Free the Body project was fueled by a profound desire to explore and unravel the multifaceted concept of...

Podcast Feature - Free the Body
We are so exited to share that our co-director Brittany Delany was interviewed by Pam Uzell for Art Heals All Wounds Podcast as part of a...

Desert Abolition
“For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror which we are barely able to endure, and it amazes us so...” - Rainer Maria Rilke The...

At the Salt Altar, the Eye Sees the Eye
A Prelude of “Free the Body” at the “Build Peace 2022” Conference Build Up, Inc., “Build Peace 2023: Exploring the Unseen” Our online and...

Free the Body Workshops at Coachella Valley Art Center
Free the Body artists and community partners hosted two workshops at the Coachella Valley Art Center in September 2022. The first...

International Day of Peace event with S.C.R.A.P. Gallery
On Wednesday, September 21st, while attending the S.C.R.A.P. Gallery’s International Day of Peace event at the Senior Center in Cathedral...

The Handshake of Water
“like the metal might fair leap from the plinth.” - From “End of the Trail”, Kenzie Allen Poetry Magazine, September 2022 Volume...

Space Hacking
This coming November, GROUND SERIES will be presenting the work of Free the Body at the 2022 Build Up, Inc. conference entitled: Build...

Making the Unmade
“Collective practices of creativity and reflection shape new visions of safety, animating complex landscapes that shape abolition...

“When all thinking is cut off, the mind is like a great mirror, without likes and dislikes. Then The Great Way is not difficult and...

The Culture Prison: The Condition of Control and Restraint
“Free your ass and your mind will follow.” George Clinton, Founder, Parliament Funkadelic This week’s blog completes the crux of an...

Desert Ground Light Under The Shadow of Dobbs
“I don’t think it helpful to assume that an agenda that gets established at one point in history will forever claim success on the basis...

The God-King’s Addiction
In line with the basic roots of cultural conflict, as described in the previous blog, some humans – in their terror and shame – also...

The Culture Prison: A Crow's Song
“Every effort of colonialism is an effort of imperialism.” Linda Tuhiwai Smith, “Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous...

The Prison of the Body
The Prison of the Body: The Bars are the Prisoners, The Prisoners are the Bars, A Panopticon of Mirrors, Surrounded by Sandmen As touched...

Job Posting: Community, Required Skill: Individual
dharmakaya – the dharma body; the body that carries teaching; the teaching body “My spider-sense is tingling!” Peter Parker, Spiderman In...